Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Peace That Comes With Daily Practice

Looking back on the past four months through the lens of the daily practices I began on the first day of this year, I am awe-struck by all the creativity expressed, empowering research shared, and self-discoveries made in just the first third of the year! I think having a positive topic to focus on each day and post here has really given me a direction to take each day, no matter what happens throughout the day. Even when I'm stressed or super-busy or just plain tired, I try to carve away a few minutes for this practice, and I am enjoying the peace that is slowly coming to the surface as a result. This is not a "get-peace-fast" practice. It takes time. But the beauty of it is actually in the time it takes, because it gives me time to reflect at the end of each day and then at the end of each month on all the nuggets of wisdom I've found. And it gives me a new theme of growth to think about, plan, brainstorm about, read about, and affirm in me each month and each day.

I have also found it a bit easier to add on other small daily tasks. Not too many or not too complicated, because the tiredness factor really does need to be considered in, and self-compassion is key, no matter what. But little things like tracking what I eat again and taking my vitamins everyday again are easier to restart now that I have a regular daily practice. I don't feel the usual resistance I used to feel at times when thinking of adding one more thing to do to my plate. My daily practice of prayer/affirmation/visualization each morning also comes easier because it goes hand-in-hand with my daily focus. Also I have been writing about what I'm grateful for at the end of each day since the beginning of this year, and I find this very centering, and it's a calming way to end each day before going to sleep. If I'm too tired to write something though, I add it to my morning practice, which is also a soothing way to start the day. So it's a win-win either way; no need for guilt, only self-compassion and love here.

So what are the key ingredients to my 2014 life recipe so far?
  • Creativity. A daily dose is best!
  • Abundance. Coming from within, first and foremost.
  • A dash of fun everyday!
  • Season generously with self-love and compassion.
  • Add grace to each of the other ingredients.
  • Sprinkle with laughter, love, vulnerability, courage, faith, and joy.
Please note: follow this recipe everyday until it becomes second nature. This food for the soul can be addicting. :)

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