Day 31:
For the last day of the month and year, I dream of and intend to choose gentler lessons in 2015. I dream of living life with more ease and grace and compassion for myself and others.
Days 29 and 30:
I dream of finding my true gift for this life and sharing it with others.
Days 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28:
For Christmas this year, my mom got me a jar of dreamlights to help all my dreams come true. What a neat idea! And the jar is solar-powered! So cool! May all your dreams come true as well.
I dream of feeling productive when I allow myself time to rest and just be lazy. :)

Day 22:
I dream of my mom enjoying great health and independence again.

Days 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21:
I know it seems like cheating to post this many days in a row when this is my "daily" practice but a big lesson I've learned this year from posting nearly everyday is self-compassion. And sometimes we're just too _______ (you fill in the blank) to dream. In my case, this past week I think I was partly too busy and partly too scared to dream. But I want to dream BIG again!
Days 11 and 12:
Days 9 and 10:
I need to put my dreaming hat on, like in Harry Potter, and select my next dream. I dream of not letting others' opinions or attitudes affect how I feel. I dream of staying true to myself and being present so I can feel content and grateful for all I have.
Days 6, 7 and 8:
I dream of creating the space and time to make art everyday. I dream of sharing that space with others through workshops and open art time and parties. I dream of painting the many different kinds of clouds I've seen and sometimes captured photographs of. I dream of publishing my art and writing in books and on display in galleries. :) I not only dream but I already see myself as an artist, right now. I may have taken a hiatus for a few weeks but I'll be back very soon. Just need to find my collage book! (In a box in the garage or closet undoubtedly, waiting to be unpacked!)
Days 4 and 5:
Two more days of energy after a long commute! I think the secret might lie in what I'm listening to on my way home--yesterday an inspiring webinar on creative visualization and tonight another awesome webinar on women's health. I dream of continual learning and tons of energy and enthusiasm and zest for life everyday!
Day 3:

Dreaming by moonlight tonight, I dream of freely regenerating energy like I somehow did tonight, most likely with help from magical acupuncture that I enjoyed after work. I envision and affirm that I have abundant energy. :)
Day 2:
For day 2 of dreaming, my mind and heart fills with hope for great health for my family and for me. I dream of raising healthy, happy, compassionate, loving, joyful babies. I dream of vibrant health for my dear momma and my wonderful husband. I dream of finding natural remedies to ease the powerful sensations of womanhood I experience almost every 3 and a half weeks.
Day 1:
Today I dream of working from home, making my own schedule, so that I can continue caring for my mom until she is stronger and so I can have babies and care for them when they are little. I also dream of working from "home" or from wherever I want, because I find much inspiration from travelling, listening to music, creating art and/or writing when I'm in the flow, and being outdoors like at a spot that overlooks a beautiful view or under a tree.
I dream of collaging again with friends, and I will!
I dream of dancing and singing more regularly, and I will. :)
I dream of neverending patience for myself, my loved ones, humans in general, and life.
I dream of living these affirmations everyday, with all my heart:
Day 22:
I dream of my mom enjoying great health and independence again.
Days 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21:
I know it seems like cheating to post this many days in a row when this is my "daily" practice but a big lesson I've learned this year from posting nearly everyday is self-compassion. And sometimes we're just too _______ (you fill in the blank) to dream. In my case, this past week I think I was partly too busy and partly too scared to dream. But I want to dream BIG again!
I dream of having time and energy and focus and attention to keep in touch with all my friends from different times in my life. I miss my former co-workers so much lately and not having a chance yet to write them and wish them a happy holiday makes me a bit sad.
I dream of being a good friend to those I care deeply about and being a good friend to myself as well.
I dream of being graceful under pressure, of not swearing when something doesn't go the way I planned and instead smiling and knowing that things always have a way of working out.
I dream of less time on the roads, of more time off to rest and when I want to take the time off--not only when it's convenient for my work. I dream of being my own boss, of managing myself and mentoring others. I dream of having equally good benefits when I work for myself.
I dream of financial abundance and savings and generosity. I dream of having enough and really knowing and appreciating when I have enough. When I do enough. When I am enough.
I dream of freedom from the what-sometimes-feel-like-chains of stress. I dream of elegantly breathing in and then releasing those chains or better yet transforming them into lace that is easier to see its value and that can be easily untied, so I have more control and don't feel like I'm drowning. I dream of feeling in control of my emotional well-being. I dream of mastering relaxation.
Days 11 and 12:
I dream of a space in our home entirely dedicated to art and creativity, and I dream of sharing my love for creating with our future children. :)
For now, I've made space on the dining room table with a nice Stella leftover from Thanksgiving. That's right--I'm drinking a beer and collaging! :)
Days 9 and 10:
I need to put my dreaming hat on, like in Harry Potter, and select my next dream. I dream of not letting others' opinions or attitudes affect how I feel. I dream of staying true to myself and being present so I can feel content and grateful for all I have.
Days 6, 7 and 8:
I dream of creating the space and time to make art everyday. I dream of sharing that space with others through workshops and open art time and parties. I dream of painting the many different kinds of clouds I've seen and sometimes captured photographs of. I dream of publishing my art and writing in books and on display in galleries. :) I not only dream but I already see myself as an artist, right now. I may have taken a hiatus for a few weeks but I'll be back very soon. Just need to find my collage book! (In a box in the garage or closet undoubtedly, waiting to be unpacked!)
Days 4 and 5:
Two more days of energy after a long commute! I think the secret might lie in what I'm listening to on my way home--yesterday an inspiring webinar on creative visualization and tonight another awesome webinar on women's health. I dream of continual learning and tons of energy and enthusiasm and zest for life everyday!
Day 3:
Dreaming by moonlight tonight, I dream of freely regenerating energy like I somehow did tonight, most likely with help from magical acupuncture that I enjoyed after work. I envision and affirm that I have abundant energy. :)
Day 2:
For day 2 of dreaming, my mind and heart fills with hope for great health for my family and for me. I dream of raising healthy, happy, compassionate, loving, joyful babies. I dream of vibrant health for my dear momma and my wonderful husband. I dream of finding natural remedies to ease the powerful sensations of womanhood I experience almost every 3 and a half weeks.
Day 1:
Today I dream of working from home, making my own schedule, so that I can continue caring for my mom until she is stronger and so I can have babies and care for them when they are little. I also dream of working from "home" or from wherever I want, because I find much inspiration from travelling, listening to music, creating art and/or writing when I'm in the flow, and being outdoors like at a spot that overlooks a beautiful view or under a tree.
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