Photo Inspirations

Photography has always inspired me ever since I was a child.  There are still out-of-focus pictures of trees, I'm sure, in my mother's house somewhere that I took when I was 10 or 11 years old from when I went to camp.  (To this day, I still enjoy taking pictures of trees!)  With the advancement of photography on smart phones, my iPhone has helped me express myself creatively even more than I did in the past with the ease of taking pictures whenever and wherever I feel inspired.  This is also one of my relaxation practices and expressing creativity is a wonderful way to manage the many stresses of life.

This photo was taken by me, la Ecua-Gringa in a delightful town by the sea called Edmonds in Washington State.

I just took this photo at a beautiful park in Edmonds, WA called Yost Park.

I took this photo from high atop a lookout in Las Penas neighborhood in Guayaquil, Ecuador in 2006.

This picture was taken by yours truly, la Ecua-Gringa, on our hiking trip to Mt. Rainier in Washington State.  I trained for this hike for 3 months and felt so happy to be able to do this climb, nearly 8 months after my wound healed from an infection I got after or while having major open surgery last year.

I also took this picture in downtown Edmonds, WA, after a summer rain shower, on my way to de-stress and recharge through volunteering at my favorite fair-trade boutique, Fabric of Life.