Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Why I Collage: A Reflection


Almost 4 years ago I started collaging again, after not having done so since I was a kid. I started with a vision board collage and didn't even have a glue stick. I just sat on the couch while my husband and I were watching TV and plowed through countless magazines I was wanting to recycle and taped together my very first vision board. But what I really discovered was a missing piece in my happiness. I thrive when I'm being creative. And sometimes when we “adult” too much, we forget what brings us to our happy place. Collaging has brought me closer to my creativity and that is so important for me in living a more joy-filled life.

Since rediscovering this vital part of cultivating more creativity in my life, I started sharing my love for collaging with others at get-togethers with friends and later in-services at work and then classes in the community. It filled me up and I loved watching others rediscover a little part of themselves that they may have left in their childhood. 


I also collect different scraps from colorful ads or words and phrases that inspire me so that I can create mini-collages fairly quickly. I keep them in a little notebook I started almost 3 years ago and love to go back through the book to see the different themed collages I've created. It's been a really helpful and fun way to destress and reconnect with my creative side. And now I can't wait to share my love for collaging with my daughter!

Do you remember a favorite activity you enjoyed as a child that you could bring back to feel more joyful when you've been "adulting" too much?


If you’d like support, I’m here for you. You can learn more about my life coaching services at: http://owningyourgoodness.wordpress.com.

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