Monday, February 23, 2015

Miracles Are Welcome Here

Mini-miracles happen all the time when we acknowledge them.

This last weekend I had my second coaching retreat and part of our homework for this next month was to record our unexpected miracles. And in less than 24 hours, I've already experienced several! Starting with last night as I was doubting if I could even make it to my first day at my new job because I had such a horrible, pounding headache, when miraculously this morning the headache was gone and I felt well enough to go to my new job! 

Then the second miracle was revealed. For the past several weeks I have been imagining a beautiful forest view from a nice big window in my new office space. And lo and behold, when I arrived at my workspace this morning, there it was! The same view I'd envisioned! And I didn't feel surprised, I felt confident somehow. Maybe I am psychic...or maybe I'm getting good at manifesting. I'm happy and grateful either way.

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