Monday, June 13, 2016

Blogging from the Blackhole: My Journey to Organize Certain Hot Spots in Our Home Before Baby Comes (Week 1)


I think most people probably have one. They probably don't like to talk about it or even think about it too much. What's that, you say? A blackhole of stuff in your home. I have several. And like a blackhole, they suck my energy. Because I want to be energized from my home and not the opposite, I've been planning to clear one particular blackhole in our bedroom for some time now. But the mere fact that it sucks my energy to just think about it has stopped me from getting too far. That's when I remembered that this blog has been an excellent accountability partner in the past with creating positive habits, so I've decided to blog from the blackhole every week until it's cleared. If you have a similar area in your home, I invite you to join me. :) You never know what you might find!


Here are some steps to get started:

1) Think of a treat to reward yourself with when you get started or to motivate you to take the first step. :) Mine’s a root beer float (with coconut milk ice cream). Yum!


2) Take only a few things out at a time, especially if you're attempting this in the evening after a busy day. (I've said I'll work on this on the weekend but there's always something more fun to do so weeknights are a better option for me.

3) Remove the items from near the blackhole to work through them. It's important to find a space that isn't as cluttered so you can work more smoothly through the stuff.

4) Take a mini-break if you need to before digging in. You make the rules--it's not a competition so go at your own speed and do what feels right.

5) Dig in! Put on some upbeat music or a funny show you've watched before (nothing too distracting though).

6) You pick the length of time to work on this each day. It can be adjusted to best fit your busy schedule. Remember you're the boss! (This is totally a pep talk for me...hoping as I write this that I'll finally make some headway!)

There are lots of great resources, guides and ideas out there about organizing your living space and decluttering. Where I sometime feel resistance though is in all the steps and/or rules to follow. I don't want to have to look back at a guide to figure out the next correct step when I'm in the middle of the flow of disengaging the blackhole. I like the idea that I'm in charge. It takes some of the performance pressure off, at least for me. 

The balancing act is to show ourselves self-compassion and go at our own pace so we don't start pressuring ourselves to beat our earlier time. Yes, it does feel a bit like a race to the finish line because I'm 7 months pregnant, but I'm not going to let that rush me and cause me stress because then I'll most likely freeze up and be back at square one. 

So sit back, get cozy, and go through the stuff you find in the blackhole, little by little, at your own pace. :)

And take note while and after if your energy increases. I've only gone through two bags of mystery items from the blackhole and I already feel a little better from the baby steps taken tonight. (No pun intended. :) )


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