Friday, February 5, 2010

I am

I wanted to share a poem I wrote last week at an amazingly inspiring workshop created by the New Wilderness Project, a project to promote greater, more in-depth cultural competency around the country. The presenters and performers, Maketa and Benjie, shared and taught us many important lessons, but the key ones for me were the following:

• Think about your passions and how you bring them to your work and life
• Find balance with your passions and work
• Link creativity with nature/wilderness and social justice/equity work
• The importance of sharing our stories with each other as a tool for social justice
• It's about what we’re fighting for, not about what we're fighting against
• Speak your truth
• Remember anger comes from a deep pain
• There is no normal!
• Everybody has an interesting story
• The poet is in the poem
• Everyone is a poet…and a poem

Here is my poem:

I am from the era of iPhones, Facebook and reality TV
I am from the fun language of "Op" passed down by the women in my family
I am from the scent of raspberries and butterscotch at the neighbor's house on summer afternoons
I am from the kingdom of 5 cats and 1 dog, plus my mom and me
I am from Wednesday night dinners at Wendy's with my dad
I am from the wonderful day trips around the Sound that my mom took me on as a child
I am from the pristine waters of the Strait of Juan De Fuca and the Snohomish River
I am from the majestic Cascade and Andes Mountains towering above my homes
I am from the bustling Malecón in Salinas on a hot and humid evening
I am from the ceviche and patacones and canguil
I am from the swish of the waves all along the Pacific
I am from the sway of hips to salsa and merengue music
I am from the community of friends and family who take care of me while in paradise
I am from Everett...Ecuador

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I came across you blog while checking the stats on our website. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us, your creativity and your story here on your blog.

Best to you on your journey.

In the spirit of equity and creativity,

~ Maketa Wilborn | Co-director, New Wilderness Project