Well, let's just put it out there. I'm a free spirited "recovering" perfectionist. Until recently, I didn't quite grasp how I could be both. In my wellness research over the past few years, I've grown fond of a type of astrology that combines psychology, called esoteric astrology, I think. (My favorite being Debra Silverman.) And just in the past week, I decided to stop wondering and actually download a free birth chart app to dive more deeply into my self-awareness. Because I believe there is great value in exploring our personalities and unique traits. And astrology is another way to learn about myself. I already know who I am and how I am, but it can be very comforting to finally find a description that actually puts into words how I've been experiencing life but not known how to express into words. (Sometimes it's through images too.)
Just yesterday, a friend asked me what my "rising" sign was, and a few weeks ago, I don't think I even knew what that was. But thanks to reading my free birth chart on my phone last week, a somewhat mind blowing factoid came into my awareness. I may be a Pisces and have five planets in water, which I'd been told several years ago on my favorite radio station, but my rising sign is Virgo. And that's where the "aha" lies. A watery, emotional, super sensitive Pisces with perfectionistic & worrywart tendencies. That's me: a Pisces with Virgo rising.
Now I know you may have stopped reading at this point because who believes in astrology, but this aha has really got me thinking in a way the Myers-Briggs, True Colors and other helpful assessment tests just couldn't quite explain for me. The complexity. The dueling traits. The inner struggle. Now I have a name to describe it!
And today I decided to google it--Pisces with Virgo rising--to see what I'd find, and bam! More clarity. It was almost painfully clear. Words like "doormat" and "cave in" and "sell themselves down the river" really stung. But it's been true. I am proud to say that I've grown an awareness of these stinging identifiers through experience though, and thankfully through awareness comes power and strength. The article goes on to explain that if these special souls can learn to harness their Virgo intellect and Piscean imagination and value themselves as much as they value others, the sky is really the limit.
And of course, the topic returns to self-love, because lately that's what's been truly calling me. For myself. And to help others through workshops and coaching. I know I'm on the right path for me. Right for me, right for doing my part to heal the world. Hallelujah! And so it is!
To be continued...
(View from my blogging spot tonight)