Inner Abundance

As a result of my daily creativity for 31 days, I feel compelled to continue posting daily and use my rediscovered creative energy to continue promoting positive change, this month with a focus on abundance and prosperity.  Each day in the month of February, I will post a photograph or story or creative project that symbolizes abundance and prosperity in some way.  I call it the 28 Days of Abundance challenge.  So here goes!  Que viva la creatividad!

Day 28:
Today is the final day of February and it has been a very enlightening month for me.  I am grateful for the chance to dedicate a little bit of time each day this month to reading and finding abundance in my life.  I created a word collage of the different themes I have found related to abundance.

Day 27:
Throughout this month of abundance, I have been listening to Brene Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection, and there are so many gems in this book. This is one of my favorite quotes and contains four ingredients for an abundant life: trust, gratitude, inspiration, and faith.

Day 26:
As my inner abundance practice for the month of February comes to a close, I want to reflect on all the beautiful examples of abundance I've found once I started looking.  I found abundance in nature, in community building, in gratitude, in beauty, in the clouds, in self-love, in joy, in spaciousness, in words, in courage, in balance, in movement, in love, in creativity, in inspiration, in blessings, in faith, in the journey, and even in cooking! :)  Very grateful for this experience!

Day 25: 
Today I'm working on embracing fear and through that promoting positive change to bubble up in my life.  There is great abundance when we accept ALL our feelings.

Day 24:
Celebrating abundance of cooking with my friend, Vibrance's Indian chicken curry recipe tonight. She graciously taught a group of us some of her cooking secrets yesterday and for that, I am very grateful. Not only was it fun to try a new recipe but also to visit the Indian grocery store and see the abundance of spices and flavors. And it turned out deliciously!

Day 23:
I want to celebrate the abundance of creative expression today and recognize that creativity comes in many, many forms, even beyond the most common forms that we normally think of like: dancing, singing, drawing, painting, creating collages, cooking, performing, acting, choreographing, photography, sewing, beading, making music, because the sky is truly the limit.  In order to experience abundance, we must believe in our own inner abundance and one of the best ways is by recognizing our true worth and all of our natural-born creativity.  I though this quote has one of the keys to unlocking the hidden creative genius that we all carry inside:

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.~Erich Fromm

Day 22:
A visual journey to abundance with some of my most favorite photographs that I've taken:

Day 21:
I continue to feel inspired by the great affirmation for prosperity written by Will Bowen, and it seems very beneficial to read it everyday, so I've created another photo affirmation:

Day 20:
Another day of abundance and another part of the amazing prosperity affirmation by Will Bowen:

My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones. 
My faith is as the faith of the undefeatable.

Day 19:
Today for my abundance practice, I feel very grateful for all that we have and all the loving people in our life. And I want to acknowledge another part of the Prosperity Affirmation by Will Bowen:

I radiate blessings, 
I radiate creativity, 
I radiate prosperity, 
I radiate loving service. 
I radiate Joy, Beauty, 
Peace,Wisdom & Power.

Day 18:
For today, I've written about the power and freedom and abundance of dance and creative movement on my blog, entitled: Self-Esteem is a Delicate Muscle That Must Be Trained Constantly, accompanied by a quote image of yours truly dancing at age 16, with the inspiring quote by Samuel Beckett: "Dance first. Think later."

Day 17:
I want to continue with this awesome prosperity affirmation from Will Bowen, so I created another photo affirmation:

Day 16:
I read a powerful affirmation for prosperity from Will Bowen on the Divine Goddess Coaching site that I wanted to share today. This is part of the affirmation:

I am the source of all wealth,
I am rich with creative ideas,
My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts.

Day 15:
Today was filled with abundance of space, as I worked on releasing clutter in our home and freeing space for new energy. I created a mantra for heartfelt and sentimental greeting cards and messages that I let go of, which seemed to help:

"I release you and I'm grateful for you"

Day 14:
I am filled with abundance of love today, not only because it's Valentine's Day and I am so blessed with a loving and caring husband, but also I am filled with love of nature, of the sun, of the beauty that surrounds us everyday, of sharing stories, of the strength of family, of self-love and treating myself to creative outlets of expression everyday through praying, writing, dancing, photography, and all kinds of fun and inspiring crafts.

It's easier to remember to treat our beloved with love but how often do we give ourselves that love too?

Day 13:
Today I celebrate abundance of movement. I am so pleased with my new belly dancing practice every night when I come home! I love expressing my creativity through movement, even if it's only in my living room.

Day 12:
I have been thinking about the importance of balance today and I found this great quote from a site called Vital Affirmations about prosperity and balance that I thought was very helpful and profound:
"True prosperity comes from achieving balance in all aspects of our lives. Prosperity is having your innermost needs and desires met at all levels and being able to fully enjoy them."

Day 11:
I am grateful for abundance in writing, opening up, and embracing my vulnerability today.  I'm practicing being brave with my weekly wellness blog.  Here goes!

Day 10:
This week my husband and I are creating a more welcome space in our home for abundance by clearing some lingering clutter from our move nearly 4 months ago.  I know we'll perceive our surroundings more spacious once we get rid of a few things, or at least relocate them into more organized spaces.  So I'm going to affirm this quote to help stay motivated:  :-)

"...You will soon realize that space is being created 
in your life for something new to emerge."
~Eckhart Tolle

Day 9:
I was listening to The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown this evening and one of her many amazing definitions really stuck with me: “I believe a joyful life is made up of joyful moments, gracefully strung together by trust, gratitude, inspiration, and faith."  This immediately brought an image to my mind of a beautiful banner called "Joyful Life" that is neatly tied together with "Trust," "Gratitude," "Inspiration," and "Faith."  Although I couldn't quite recreate the image I had envisioned, I decided to make this:

Day 8:
Today my husband and I celebrated 10 months of marriage in a lovely little restaurant, followed by soft snowfall, and a touching movie at home.  We are truly blessed.  The snowfall is a reminder from nature of abundance, as it accumulates so quickly and covers the cold ground with a blanket of peaceful white.

Day 7:
A poem of abundance and gratitude, sprinkled with self-love for today.
Today I am grateful for finding abundance
in my journey
in a supportive community of learning
in hearing the calls of self-love
in being brave

Day 6:
I'm grateful for seeing the sunrise this morning, the abundance of shapes, textures and colors of the clouds, to begin the day.

Day 5:
Today I finally ventured out of the house after 3 days of being sick and cooped up inside.  I still felt woozy and not 100% but I celebrated the abundance of beauty so close to my home.

Day 4:
I've decided to reflect on the connections of gratitude and abundance on my weekly wellness blog today.

Day 3:
Better late than never!  I've been sick with a stomach infection so my 3rd Day of Abundance is being posted a little bit late.  But with any new practice or habit, it's important to keep going and pick up where you left off as soon as possible.  So I created an affirmation image about gratitude and abundance.

Day 2:
Special Seahawks Edition!  Today everyone in my hometown/region of Seattle is celebrating our Super Bowl Champions, and I am loving how much community building is occurring and how this team has brought so many people together to cheer and support a common vision!  It has been truly inspiring--much more inspiring than I would have thought from a professional football team.  So in my studies of abundance and prosperity, I also want to recognize the importance of faith in this work.  Without faith, it is hard to believe that abundance will come to us, or that abundance is already all around us and within us.  I learned today that the seahawk is another name for an osprey, and ospreys take risks and seize opportunities from a place of faith, rather than fear.  We can learn a lot from this example.  As I begin to focus more on abundance, I also have to come from a place of faith and community in all I do. These are truly the keys to getting anywhere in life joyfully.

Day 1: 
I'm starting this month of abundance by reading about how to attract prosperity in my life.  The frog is a symbol of abundance in several different cultures around the world and throughout time--in China and other parts of Asia, Ireland, ancient Rome, indigenous Latin America, ancient Egypt, and among the American Indians, and symbolizes healing, luck, fertility, renewal, transformation, fortune, adaptability, and intuition.  I found a little frog that I bought as a souvenir after finishing a 5-day silent meditation retreat at Cloud Mountain nearly 3 years ago and photographed it today.  I've placed him next to my vision board to remind me of abundance in my affirmations each morning.  I also found a beautiful artistic definition of ABUNDANCE by Robin Hallett for inspiration.

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