Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Importance of Mindfulness - Especially on a Rainy Day


How we turned a previously described “dreary” day into a more “cheery”--or at least more mindful day...

This morning when I got up, my energy was pretty low and when I looked at the window, there was the infamous Seattle area drizzle happening. It didn't feel very inspiring. But staying inside isn't always the answer. My baby girl and I had an errand to run which also corresponded nearly perfectly with her first nap so I showered and we got ready to go out. 

When on maternity leave, getting out of the house everyday is so important. Not just for me, the mommy, but for my baby too. We both tend to do better when we have plans away from home. So I ran the errand and Luna took a power nap of 30 minutes. 

On our way back home, I took a detour to explore a little and discovered a new walking trail. It was only drizzling out so I decided to park and take my baby on a quick walk. She was all bundled up, snug in her stroller, sheltered from the rain, and had just awoken from her nap happy and ready to explore with Mommy. 


We didn't discover anything terribly amazing on the new trail, mostly construction but we did enjoy the fresh air, nature sounds like bird singing, and early signs of spring on the trees. And I think we both felt refreshed. 


It's days and moments like these where I'm thankful for practicing mindfulness--stopping and observing the simple things in life. And showing them to my daughter, which makes everything even more meaningful now.

Do you practice mindfulness? What does it do for you?


If you’d like support, I’m here for you. You can learn more about my life coaching services at:

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