Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Moving My Goodness

Do you ever get home from work or school and feel so tired you just don't want to do anything? I've felt this way many times but yesterday I was listening to the radio, to the Debra Silverman show, on my way home and Debra talked about the importance of moving our energy. So I decided, instead of going home and lounging on the couch--because after all, I did deserve to rest, I went for a walk instead. And lo and behold after moving my energy around and breathing in fresh air, I felt more energetic and was able to do some grocery shopping and clean the house a bit before I started feeling tired again. And even after all that activity, because I focused on the fact I was still moving, I felt more energetic than the day before when I went home and just sat on the couch checking Facebook. (Although one thing I've learned from my self-compassion practice is that some time to do something just for you that you enjoy is totally okay too.) But checking my phone or computer while sitting doesn't cultivate more energy within me. Actually moving my body is what brings me energy, even when I don't feel like it. Especially then. 

After having major surgery almost 2 years ago--thank goodness it's in the past now--I definitely got out of the habit I'd formed the year before of regularly moving, and I still don't feel the same amount of energy or flexibility as before I got struck with chronic pain. So the simplicity of this reminder to just move our energy is very accessible to me. Not intimidating, like going to the gym or even to a zumba class--I'm sad to report that I still haven't gone back to zumba. :(

And let's face it: much of what we do is sitting, so I'm beginning to think that when I feel tired and as I'd say in Spanish, sin ganas de hacer nada (not feeling like doing anything), it's really my body crying out for a little attention. She wants to move. Jump around. Walk. Run. Dance. Jiggle with laughter. Sing. Whatever sounds doable to move energy around. I didn't bring special walking shoes with me today or yesterday; I just started walking. (Luckily my sandals are pretty comfortable.) And I didn't have to walk a 5K to feel a shift in my energy. Just a 30 minute stroll. Or it could have been a 5 minute long laugh--that sounds refreshing too! It'll really make you feel better, trust me. :)

And isn't energy really just tangible goodness? The kind of goodness you feel in your body when you're having fun, the kind of goodness you sense when you're excited and filled with hope about something, the kind of goodness when you feel love and joy fill your heart. If there's a pretty easy way to access more of that, sign me up. I'm moving more then!
And for those of you who physically can't walk or dance because of pain or an injury, because I've been there, laughing really gets energy moving too. And it's super fun! Singing does too!

So let's all get out there and move our goodness around! :-)

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