Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The End of the 4th Trimester


Today our baby girl turns 3 months old and this concludes an era some call the “4th trimester.” The end of her newborn stage too. Sniff sniff. Time is moving so fast and our Luna is growing and learning so much! What a difference 3 months can make! It's probably been by far the most meaningful 3 months of my life. I'm so thankful to get to experience motherhood finally and get to know my beautiful daughter and watch her grow and change. 

What I've learned about myself in this “4th trimester” or 1st 3 months of my baby girl’s life is that I'm so much stronger than I ever imagined I was. I’m proud of myself for giving birth naturally with no pain medicine. I've woken up at night every few hours for the past 3 months to feed my baby and I miraculously still have energy at the end of each day now. I haven't read all of the recommended books on child development but my baby is doing amazingly well and learning new things each day. I follow my instincts better than I ever have. I come up with different ways to distract my baby when she gets fussy and it usually works. Of course I also have off days and feel up and down at times with different emotions and fears of not doing a good enough job as a mom. But when I look back at these past amazing 3 months, I'm comforted and reassured that I'm doing just fine. 

Motherhood is so much about finding self-kindness so that we can reflect that image back to our babies. They absorb everything and I have to remind myself to mindfully go about my day soaking up all the incredible baby love (and baby drool!) around me! What an awesome journey we’re so blessed to be on!

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