Friday, January 2, 2015

When You Look Up More Often, You'll See More Beauty

I love clouds and I might love photographing them even more. They bring me peace when I gaze up in the sky and it's so much fun to spot different shapes and animals up there. One of my ideas for reflecting on the past year and ushering in the new was to create some top 10 lists or in today's and yesterday's cases, top 12 lists. So today I looked back at all my cloud pictures and picked my favorites from 2014. And you know what? I used to think it would be rare to see a really cool shape in the sky. Now I know that if you look up more often, you'll see more beauty. One of my favorite take-aways from attending Oprah's big weekend event back in November was when Rob Bell talked about reverence for life. Being in nature and capturing it with my camera (or smart phone) to share with friends and family is so rewarding and breathing in the fresh air while reveling in the sheer beauty of this earth brings me great peace.

So on this second day of the new year and second day of the Fun-A-Day challenge, I created a collage of my top 12 clouds.

An opening, a feather, a streak, a blanket, a heart, a raccoon extending his paw, angel wings, Dumbo, a crane, a cross, an eye, and waves.

You may not see each of those shapes or animals, but isn't it fun to take another look at the sky we see everyday and imagine?

What do you see?

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