Recently I attended an amazing, awe-inspiring workshop called "Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream" at my workplace on a special day dedicated to building community. The workshop was created by the Pachamama Alliance, originally inspired by the Achuar people in Ecuador and later continued by a group of people from across the globe who inspire others to work toward environmental sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfillment. I would like to work on reducing my global/carbon footprint and on inspiring others to the same.
Environmental Sustainability:
Environmental Sustainability:
- My first plan is to somehow get a composting bin for my workplace and if possible, for my home. So far I haven't heard back from the recycling guy at my work, so I need to contact someone else.
- My second plan is to not buy new things as often. For example, I have started buying clothes at consignment stores, not department stores.
- I support organic farming by receiving organic fruit and vegetable deliveries twice a month from Full Circle Farm in Carnation, WA (check out the Full Circle website to sign up) .
Social Justice:
- My current work as an advisor in providing almost free English classes to immigrants and refugees so that they can feel empowered in the community and obtain better jobs here in the U.S. is part of my fight for social justice.
- I also attended a workshop recently on the New Paradigms of Social Justice, facilitated by Theryn Kigvamasud'Vashti and hosted by the Northshore/Shoreline Community Network and CARE (Cultural Awareness Resources and Education) Team. We created a quilt which represented what social justice means to each of us. (The picture of the quilt is above.)
Spiritual Fulfillment:
- I take joy in being outside and I enjoy hearing the birds sing, watching the squirrels climb up trees, feeling the breeze in my hair, smelling the lilacs in bloom, touching the soft pussy willows before they turn into beautiful pink flowers.
- Currently I'm reading a great, short book by John Perkins called The Stress-Free Habit which explains how people around the world meditate and I plan to try meditation soon. First I have to figure out a good time and place.
I will continue updating this blog with more ideas for nurturing our relationship with the Earth, with Others and with Ourselves.
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