“...the only way to stay creative is to keep moving forward.” ~Dr. Travis Bradberry
Whether you think of yourself as a creative person or not, creativity is what fuels any kind of change in our life. This year my creativity has taken on a completely different form--motherhood. It’s active, it’s in-your-face, it’s singing many times everyday, it’s dancing to entertain my baby, it’s creatively getting things done while keeping my baby happy. Over the past 7+ years though, I developed a creative self-care plan for myself which involved collaging, reflection writing on a regular basis, dance, nature photography, teaching workshops--pretty much anything creative is considered self-care for me.
Since becoming a mom though, I’ve rethought self-care (read my blog from January for instance) but I find myself missing the regular writing that I used to do. I also miss teaching. I taught 2 workshops at the end of this past December and beginning of January and had another scheduled in February but had to cancel it due to snowy weather and low enrollment. Since then, I decided to focus on building up my life coaching business online. This involves some writing, like my daily posts with a different weekly wellness theme. But I crave typing away when I get an inspiration and also recording my favorite memories.
I have been writing down all of our baby’s first things on a notepad on my smartphone, but there’s something about hearing the clicking away of the keys on the keyboard when I type at a computer that I miss. I started using my 15 minute breaks at work to write about 6 years ago and have a lot of content saved from over the years now. I’ve always wanted to convert what I wrote into a memoir or novel someday.
Now as my biggest dream has come to fruition to be a momma, I want to be recording all my feelings & emotions but I’m not. Of course being a mom is a constant juggling act and there sometimes isn’t time to even use the restroom, let alone write about my feelings and lessons, but I want to take more time to write. I came across an interesting quote about writer’s block that may also explain my lack of writing these past months:
“Writer’s block is having too much time on your hands.” ~Jodi Picoult
When I’m in the flow creatively, I’m constantly writing. So despite living my dream of being a mom, I feel like I’m missing an important piece without writing about it. And goodness knows, I need my creative well fully filled as a mom. It’s part of my self-care regime, it helps me find creative solutions to everyday tasks as a juggling momma, and expressing my creativity fills me up emotionally too. I think it’s right up there with mindfulness as one of the all-time best elixir’s for life’s stressors.
Do you have a favorite elixir you use when feeling stressed or juggling many things?
If you’d like support in living a more creative life or in reaching your wellness goals, I’m here for you. You can learn more about my life coaching and creative wellness services here.